The Dailies

Word of the Day

Sundry (adj., SUN-dree)

"Sundry." Can I have the definition?

Various or miscellaneous.

"Sundry." "Sundry." Can I have the language of origin?

From Middle English.

Can I have it in a sentence?

The sundry pieces of the office were packed into green bins for the move.

"Sundry." S-U-N-D-R-Y. "Sundry."


Gif of the Day

Tags ScienceAstronomySunSolar ProminencesElectromagnetismSpace, the Final Frontier

Link of the Day

The Power Glove becomes a useful animation tool

Stop-motion animation is intricate, demanding work. Moving each object a fractional amount and keeping the "storyline" of the work together in each frame requires a lot of concentration.

Dillon Markey is a professional animator working for large animation companies. Three years ago, he repurposed Nintendo's legendary failure, the Power Glove, as an indispensible tool for animation. (Warning: adult language).

I never had much attachment to the Power Glove, so this doesn't mash the nostalgia button for me, but it's still a really cool hack. The tweezers are my favorite part, though.

Kids, start your soldering irons!

Tags Fun and gamesNostalgia, interruptedAnimationHack to powerEarly video gamesWeekend projects