Word of the Day
Abscond (v., ab-SKOND)
Hey, look over there! *runs away and hides*
Apollo Robbins is the best pickpocket in the world. In the time it took you to read this, he probably would have swiped your cell phone, and here's proof:
A few years ago, Adam Green from The New Yorker did a long, fascinating profile of Robbins, as well as a demo and mini-interview video. As you might've seen from the videos, Robbins is a unique character with a blend of shyness, confidence, and excusing:
Years ago, Teller told Robbins that he needed to ask himself two questions: Why do I steal? And why do I give it back? Increasingly, Robbins sees his stealing as “a metaphor, an experiment for me to play with human interactions.” He told me, “Looking back, I can see that I was really learning a lot about how people work through this little experiment of stealing from them. I learned a lot about how they handle their attention, how they handle stress, how they handle confidence. So when I look at why I steal, basically it’s my way of communicating with people.”PeoplePickpocketsSleight of handAttentionCheck your pockets