The Dailies

Word of the Day

Whimsy (n., WIM-zee)

Playfully quaint, fanciful humor. This word "probably" derives from "whim-wham," which is a 16th-century term for a fanciful object. I want one, if only to be able to make whimsical comments about a whim-wham.

Gif of the Day

Tags CyclingChampagneLittle People, Big WorldAlex KristoffHide and Seek

Link of the Day

Hong Kong apartment has 24 rooms in 1

Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated cities in the world, packing seven million people in a space slightly smaller than Montgomery County. As you can imagine, space—especially apartment space—is at a premium. Apartments are not big, and every square inch becomes precious.

Architect Gary Chang has an incredible solution to this dilemma. His "Domestic Transformer" apartment transforms into twenty-four separate "rooms." All this is done by moving walls (yes, you read that right), folding things up and down, and reconfiguring the space, as he demonstrates in this video:

Wow. So much planning. So much customization. And then, after everything is done, the windowshade gives the room and the building a wonderful splash of color. What an apartment.

Tags Interior DesignArchitecturePut it on roller skatesSpace, the final frontierHong KongMixed-up Apartments