Word of the Day
Bricolage (n., BRICK-o-laazhh or BRIH-koh-laazhh)
Something made from whatever is available, like what you need to get into a watch tower using a quarnex battery, security band, and prosthetic leg.
Something made from whatever is available, like what you need to get into a watch tower using a quarnex battery, security band, and prosthetic leg.
It's rare we stumble across an incredibly timely link but we have one today. The Cooper Center took the 2010 Census data and mapped all the people by race, showing where various races live. Each race gets a different color. The more the colors blend together, the more racially integrated the area is; the more the colors stay separate, the more homogenous it is.
Things don't always appear as they are. Minneapolis, for example, looks very integrated from a quick look but zoom in and you'll see distinct areas. And Philadelphia (the nearest major city to our fair site) is VERY split. So is my home county—which recently went to a county-wide police force instead of individual towns. (The map suggests this may have been a bad idea.)
If you want to understand part of one level of the tensions in Baltimore, Ferguson, et al, this is a good place to start.
InfographicsCensusRace in AmericaHomogenous Unit PrinciplePrayers for Baltimore