The Dailies

Word of the Day

Runcible (adj., RUN-sih-bull)

Let's review what we know.

1. Happy Birthday, Edward Lear.
2. Lear invented "runcible" and used it throughout his works, often relating to different items.
3. We're totally stalling here because there is no definition.
4. Have a runcible day!

Gif of the Day

Tags The ElderlyDance PartiesBusting a moveWe don't need no stinkin' canes!

Link of the Day

Opera Houses, photographed by David Leventi

David Leventi has a new book coming out soon featuring his large-format photos of opera houses around the world. Laventi captured these buildings from the stage, where a performer would stand, giving us the sense of the incredible details and textures in the opera houses. For example, this is from Venice:

Stunning detail. Leventi did a great job capturing a breadth of opera houses, everything from old world style to modern to underground (Death Valley!).

Tags ArchitecturePhotographyOpera HousesExceptional craftsmanship