The Dailies

Word of the Day

Purview (n., PURR-vyoo)

The range of influence or power of someone or the range of understanding or (occasionally) the range of vision. Basically, the range of something. Creating a definition of purview without using the word range is out of our purview.

Gif of the Day

Tags JokesSupermanThere's something happening hereWhat it is ain't exactly clearThere's a man with an S over thereAnd he's missing the words in the air

Link of the Day

America's most popular tastes

Foursquare did an interesting data project recently, analyzing the restaurant data of all 50 US states (and Washington, D.C.) to determine which food dishes were disproportionately popular in those states. The results are somewhat surprising:

It's interesting to see some regional preferences on display...but bottle service in Nevada is the most surprising, funny, and slightly depressing taste on the map.

Tags FoodU! S! A!Childhood gamesRegionalismsOdd preferencesWhat is Avocado toast?