Word of the Day
Twixt (prep., TWICKST)
Between two things, a terrible late-career Francis Ford Coppola film, or a knockoff candy bar.
Between two things, a terrible late-career Francis Ford Coppola film, or a knockoff candy bar.
AnimalsSquirrelsImpostersFree stuffWait for itDeez nutsFlying squirrelsCrouching tiger, hidden squirrel
The Canadian radio show WireTap is ending after 11 years. As a goodbye present, they made this video of people of all ages giving advice to their younger counterparts:
The best part of this comes during the credits. That babysitter is not going to know what hit him or her...
AdviceHand-me-downsWordsBabysittersRadio showsCross-generational thingsFuture selves