The Dailies

Word of the Day

Incorporeal (adj., in-CORE-pore-ree-ull)

Something that has no matter, no physical form or substance, like a ghost. It can also be a legal term for an object like this, and it's ridiculous that our lawyers get to legislate ghosts now. Completely ridiculous. [Candidate] 2016.

Gif of the Day

Tags AnimalsDogsEndlessly looping gifsPugsMy, what large teeth you have!Grrrracula

Link of the Day

Official guide to trading candy

So you know, here's the official guide to trading candy from the excellent Ze Frank:

Note: it's an internet video, adjust your expectations accordingly.

CandyRaisinsApproximate valueGuidesHalloweenDivide and conquer is terribleHow to build an empire

Happy Friday

Corgi puppy and mini pumpkin

Happy Halloween.