The Dailies

Word of the Day

Advertent (adj., add-VURR-tent)

Attentive, like someone trying to prepare a Thanksgiving meal and not like someone trying to get through the work week leading up to Thanksgiving.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsDogsCorgisEarsIs that a mannequin?Scanning....scanning...Admit it, your heart just melted

Link of the Day

Questions through the decades

Short and sweet today. Alan Wilson has an interesting list of the defining questions for people during each decade of their lives:

• Teens: Who am I, and who am I becoming? Questions of identity.
• Twenties: What will I do with my life, and with whom will I do it? Questions of goals, place and community.
• Thirties: How do I manage my responsibilities and keep renewed? Questions of order and impact.
• Forties: How do I feel about the person I’ve become? Questions of uncertainty.
• Fifties: What is my vision for the second half? Or have I reached a ceiling? Questions of change and intentionality.
• Sixties: What does a person of my age bring to the table? Is there still a place for me?
• Seventies: How do I handle the sense of loss? Questions of grieving and rearranging.
• Eighties: What can I offer a world that sees me as feeble and obsolete? Living with obscurity.
• Nineties: How do I deal with end of life issues? What is my legacy? How will I die? Who will remember me?

In this framework, the idea of an old soul takes on a little more definition and poignancy. It might also explain why some people fit better/worse in their rough age group than others, depending on the questions they're trying to ask for themselves. Interesting food for thought.

TagsArticlesBig important questionsOld soulsIdentity, purpose, loss, and meaningThings that keep you awake at nightFood for thought