The Dailies

Word of the Day

Fecund (adj., FEH-kunned)

Fruitful and fertile and sadly no other words beginning with "f." (A thesaurus search was unfruitful.)

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsBirdsSlow pansCapital-E EeeeevilUnblinking eyesPsycho killersWe are so deadMaintain eye contact, back away

Link of the Day

Victor Borge - Inflationary Language

When we took a two-week break near the start of the year, there were a few things we missed. We had a gif lined up for David Bowie's birthday, missed it, and then ended up using it after he died.

We also missed the birthday of Victor Borge, the terrific musical comedian. We've been thisclose to posting some Borge material over the years, and so we decided to post some of his best sketches this week.

Today, we're starting with the verbal dexterity of the "Inflationary Language" sketch:

TagsComedyLanguageVictor BorgeDenmarkEnglishTwoderful things+1