The Dailies

Word of the Day

Bravura (n., bra-VYOUR-uh)

Brilliant, spectacular technique—or showy affectations of technique. Huh. So someone displaying bravura could be either a prodigious talent or a prodigious faker. That's not really helpful.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsCatsSquirrelsSeeing invisible thingsWait, where'd it go?ConfusionVanishing acts

Link of the Day

Wife crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband, who had paid to have her killed

Yes, you read that right:

Finally, she spotted the man she'd been waiting for. She stepped out of her car, and her husband put his hands on his head in horror.

"Is it my eyes?" she recalled him saying. "Is it a ghost?"

"Surprise! I'm still alive!" she replied.

Far from being elated, the man looked terrified. Five days earlier, he had ordered a team of hit men to kill Rukundo, his partner of 10 years. And they did - well, they told him they did. They even got him to pay an extra few thousand dollars for carrying out the crime.

Now here was his wife, standing before him. In an interview with the BBC on Thursday, Rukundo recalled how he touched her shoulder to find it unnervingly solid. He jumped. Then he started screaming.

The story is crazy and worth reading. However, it doesn't end on an entirely settled note. Mrs. Rukundo has had challenges in unexpected ways:

But her trials are not yet over. Rukundo told the ABC she’s gotten backlash from Melbourne’s Congolese community for reporting Kalala to the police. Someone left threatening messages for her, and she returned home one day to find her back door broken. She now has eight children to raise alone and has asked the Department of Human Services to help her find a new place to live.
TagsJournalismDeals gone wrongCongoAustraliaEscapes from deathCrazy situationsPaging AC/DC