The Dailies

Word of the Day

Besmirch (v., bee-SMURCH)

To make dirty or tarnish. Often used in reference to reputations, not that it mattered to Joan Jett.

Gif of the Day

"General Tetris," from a series of gifs by Christoph Niemann.

TagsAnimationTetrisStep, turn, presentAttention!War gamesSuperb thumbs

Link of the Day

Le Petit Chef

This is absolutely delightful:

What a wonderful idea done spectacularly. It solves the problem of what to do while you're waiting for your food, it gets you ready to enjoy it, it's wonderfully whimsical, and it's a great object lesson for parents about why not to play with your food. Magnificent.

TagsArtFoodTiny chefsFranceOh dear.While you wait...3D projection