Word of the Day
To tease someone good-naturedly, like we just did to New Englanders. Your accent is wonderful and far more distinctly enjoyable than the mush-mouth of our home state. We can hear you across the parking lot. Ok, we'll stop now. (staap?)
Gif of the Day
TagsAnimalsDogCatWait for itForceful barksPure terrorDeep concentrationAdorable bullyingTimidity for good reason
Link of the Day
If communication can fail, it will.
If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in just that way which does the most harm.
There is always somebody who knows better than you what you meant by your message.
The more communication there is, the more difficult it is for communication to succeed.
1. Who you think you are
2. Who you think the other person is
3. Who the other person thinks you are.
4. Who the other person thinks he or she is
5. Who the other person thinks you are
6. Who the other person thinks you think he or she is
TagsCommunicationFinlandHarmClarityPeopleMemorable writing