The Dailies

Word of the Day

Brinksmanship (n., BRINX-munn-ship)

Is that the point of safety? Push past it. Ok, that feels too far. Push past it. Seriously, if you don't stop I'll have to—push past it. Fine, so watch me do this. Done back. (All the while, "debate" is happening.) This is how the United States and USSR lived for fifty years.

Gif of the Day

TagsFilmGroundhog DayBill MurrayWinterUnending thingsWeathermenPunxsutawney

Link of the Day

The Politics of Competitive Board Gaming Amongst Friends

It's going to be cold and miserable this weekend, so that means that it's probably board game time this weekend. Sometimes, as Jay Cheel demonstrates in his amusing documentary, that can be a delicate situation:

Note: some adult language.

TagsFilmDocumentariesBoard GamesSettlers of CatanIt all comes together!BrinksmanshipUnending winter

Happy Friday

Orca punts seal 80 feet in the air

Ok, so this probably isn't happy for the seal—but this is still pretty incredible.