Word of the Day
Flounce (v./n., FLOUNSS)
To move in a lively, bouncing, exaggerated fashion (like Tigger) or the act of doing so, often done to show annoyance (not like Tigger).
To move in a lively, bouncing, exaggerated fashion (like Tigger) or the act of doing so, often done to show annoyance (not like Tigger).
Up at the MIT Media Lab, the Tangible Media Group created a piano that "is played" by projected humans. That sounds complex, I know, but it's a lot easier to see:
The project is called "Andante", and there's a great video showing the piano at play (stay until the end):
VideoMITMusicDancin' on the keyboardItalian termsBig 2: Tom Hanks goes small