Word of the Day
Rueful (adj., ROO-full)
Expressing sorrow or regret, like Alex Trebek when he remembers the day he crossed Sean Connery.
Expressing sorrow or regret, like Alex Trebek when he remembers the day he crossed Sean Connery.
That's a mouthful, we admit. It's a fancy way of saying that cities don't get bigger in the way we think, not according to research from the University of Santa Fe.
The researchers found that as a city doubles in size, its GDP, crime, and number of patents increase 15%. This rule holds surprisingly tightly, which makes it easy to pick out which cities are outperforming others. For example, New York turns out to be surprisingly average while places like Boulder are remarkably more productive than expected.
The site has some cool interactive maps that help visualize the data better. Go check them out.
ResearchCitiesGetting biggerGetting betterNew York, meh