The Dailies

Word of the Day

Adventitious (adj., add-venn-TISH-us)

Something that happened due to chance or an external cause rather than nature or design. We'll let this go without examples.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsGoatsCouchesFailAnimal-proof furnitureI believe I can fly

Link of the Day

A visit to the LEGO workshop

A couple months ago, Sariel's LEGO Workshop got to visit the LEGO Factory, vault, and ideas house, and the video they took is terrific:

Pretty cool to get a glimpse behind the process. The efficiency is expected; what's not is the lack of humans throughout. A fun behind-the-scenes look at how our favorite building toys are made.

TagsVideoLEGOFactoriesHow it's madeSomething is blocky in Denmark