Word of the Day
Connoisseur (n., konn-ih-SOOR)
A person of refined, discriminating tastes, especially in fine arts. It's French, so you know they're fancy.
A person of refined, discriminating tastes, especially in fine arts. It's French, so you know they're fancy.
Yes, it's LEGO week on The Dailies. The reason will be revealed tomorrow. But today, we're going to highlight a few different LEGO contraptions, starting with this awesome calendar/time tracker made with LEGOs:
Lest you think that a LEGO calendar equals a hatred of paper and pencil, here's LEGO paper airplane folding machine:
If physics is more your speed, someone made a functioning LEGO particle accelerator:
VideoLEGORube GoldbergCool thingsCalendarsPaper airplanesParticle accelerators