The Dailies

Word of the Day

Punctilious (adj., PUNK-till-ee-US)

Precise. Scrupulous. Attentive to detail. Buttoned-up and button-ed up. Maybe even a boutonniere. A blazer. Fancy, not FANcy. The capitalization is unbecoming.

Gif of the Day

TagsTrucksLongcat, sans catHidden messagesWait for it46-wheelersBye!

Link of the Day


Discussed recently with a couple friends, Pandemic is a creative, cooperative board game where up to four of you work together to stop an outbreak from killing the world's population. It adjusts to the number of players and level of difficulty you have, making it replyable and learnable.

Lest you doubt our recommendation, take the high scores on BoardGameGeek into consideration as well. One version of Pandemic is the highest-rated game on the entire site. It's an excellent game worth a look.

TagsGamesPandemicCooperationFate of humanity, nbdTiny cubes

Happy Friday

Coming home

Wrapping up our theme for the week and nodding to the driving many will be doing this weekend, here's a quartet of songs about coming home.