The Dailies

Word of the Day

Pecuniary (adj., pih-CUE-knee-air-ee)

Relating to money. The word comes from the Latin for "property" but has often referred to straight cash too. It's kinda weird but then again, so is money.

Gif of the Day

Our second birthday is tomorrow. In internet terms, it feels like we can enjoy an adult beverage (709 words of the day later...).

TagsReactionsCheersPatrick StewartRaise a freedomStriped shirtsPermagrimaces

Link of the Day

Polygons, an origami-inspired measuring tool

Although we usually don't like highlighting Kickstarter projects, this one is pretty unique. Polygons an origami-inspired kitchen measuring tool. Normally, it lies flat. When you pick it up, the tool adjusts to form a cup. The size of the cup depends on where you pick it up. It appears easy to use and clean, too.

Also, it costs $13 to back it on Kickstarter and get a set (eventually). Maybe this is why it's raised almost $400,000. Either way, go check it out.

TagsProductsKickstartersMeasuring toolsPolygonsOrigamiDesignEveryday thingsKitchens

Happy Friday

Johnnyswim - Summertime Romance