The Dailies

Word of the Day

Tête-à-tête (n., TAYTE-uh-TAYTE)

A private conversation between two people, or an S-shaped couch where people can sit facing each other. If this sounds awkard, it is. (The couch, not the conversation. (Although that can be odd for people too. (No more parentheses. (We promise.))))

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsCrocodilesSmall girlsSave a horse, ride a crocodile?Very slow means of transportationPermanent right of way

Link of the Day

North Koreans try American BBQ

Asian Boss has put out a couple videos recently with a couple North Koreans who escaped. The first is this one where they try a variety of American BBQ and give their opinions:

There's a few interesting conversations about what life in North Korea is like during the meal, but there's more details (more horrifying details, to be clear) in two other videos where the North Koreans talk about what life is like:

Warning: serious, sometimes graphic things will be discussed.

TagsVideoFoodBarbecueNorth KoreaHow the other half livesDaring escapesGlobal citizenship