Word of the Day
Disgustingly syrupy and sweet. Less a bad thing, more too much of a good thing. Less Pepsi, more Coke. Less grandma, more networker. Less southern hospitality, more Stepford wife. Less coach, more Richard Simmons.
Gif of the Day
TagsAnimalsParakeetStruttin'White, green, and goldHigh stepperFashion shows
Link of the Day
Your INTP is programmed with the following traits:
Ti: Your INTP will want to analyze everything and understand everything.
Ne: Your INTP likes to think up new possibilities and sees a lot of potential in their peers and surroundings.
Si: Retrospective thinking is programmed to help your INTP solve new problems by using previous knowledge.
Fe: Although the lowest of the traits, your INTP still has emotions and can be largely affected by the emotions of the people in their surroundings. Will generally get along with peers but can unwittingly make offensive comments. Will feel bad about it later.
Your INTP unit will usually eat normally but will sometimes ignore their diet to pursue intellectual hobbies. Keep trying to argue that food is necessary despite their arguments that they feed on knowledge.
TagsPsychologySelf-knowledgeMBTIEnneagramType thyselfUser manualsPsuedoscience or Sue doing science?