The Dailies

Word of the Day

Puddlejumper (n., PUD-dull-jum-purr)

A small plane used for short trips. Not as tiny as a single-engine propeller plane (would you want to travel in that?) nor as big as a twin-jet-engine plane (we're looking to clear puddles, not mountains).

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsPandasTreesDramatic entrancesWe interrupt this wrestling matchOh! Hey! Is that bamboo???

Link of the Day

Bach's Crab Canon

Johann Sebastian Bach wrote a doozy of a piece called the "Crab Canon." It was written so it could be played on a Möbius strip. When the keyboardist reaches the end, he or she can flip the sheet of music over, start from that end, and keep going. On top of that, the "forwards" and "backwards" melodies line up perfectly, creating a unique, mindblowing piece. Have a listen:

TagsMuiscJ.S. BachCrabsCanonsMöbius stripsPerfectly looping melodiesMind blown