Word of the Day
Anaphora (n., uh-NAFF-or-uh)
In language, the deliberate repetition of a word at the beginning of several phrases, sentences, or paragraphs. I have a dream that one day all our children will know what anaphora means.
In language, the deliberate repetition of a word at the beginning of several phrases, sentences, or paragraphs. I have a dream that one day all our children will know what anaphora means.
MoviesMichael KeatonI'm losing itThree sides whiteDeliberate fingerpointingIntense staring
Boston Dynamics has a new robot that is eerily good at turning, going over uneven pavement, picking up heavy objects, and jumping. They posted a video of the robot, Handle, doing its thing and making us all fear Skynet:
Let's be honest: that was pretty cool. Most robots—even the best ones done by Boston Dynamics—move in a somewhat stilted way. This robot moves fluidly. The pirouettes and deep knee bends are especially impressive. That final frame, though...
VideosRobotsBoston DynamicsHandleSpinsJumpsI, for one, welcome our new robot overlords