The Dailies

Word of the Day

Trove (n., TROVE)

A collection of valuable items. The word is usually used in relation to something that is found. If you say you have a trove in your house, people will look at you oddly. Which we haven't tried, of course. Never.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsWhalesBelugaBubblesGulpTinker to Evers to Chance

Link of the Day

Best medical and science images of 2017

The Wellcome Awards recognize the best images in medicine and science each year, and this year's nominees are stunning:

Language pathways of the brain

Hawaiian Bobtail Squid

Stem cells and nerve fibers

More of this year's winners can be seen in their gallery.

TagsPhotosScience and MedicineBraaaaainsStem cellsSquid