Word of the Day
Harrowing (adj., HAR-oh-ing)
Agonizing, intensely distressing. Watching your bracket go up in flames, to some. Watching your season or college career end, to others.
Agonizing, intensely distressing. Watching your bracket go up in flames, to some. Watching your season or college career end, to others.
AnimationPixelationRadTotallyMulticolorThe future's so bright, we're gonna need shades
In Hawaii, a stream of lava has been pouring out like a waterfall or hose. It's unusual and eerily cool:
Here's another look, showing just how much steam and bits of rock are created:
The cliff has already collapsed once, so no words about whether or not it will be there long. As the article states, lava flows typically end quickly. Their natural byproduct (rock) builds up and stops the flow. But while the flow lasts, it will delight all of us.
NatureHawaiiVolcanosWaterfalls...of fireFire hoses...of fireSmoke on the water
Throughout the year, many names are mentioned in all forms of media. Deadspin's bracket tries to determine the best of them:
To vote, head over to nameoftheyear.com. Go Sultan McDoom, go!