Word of the Day
Replete (adj., ree-PLEAT)
Extremely well-supplied. Stuffed. Full, perhaps even overfull. Abounding. More than complete.
Extremely well-supplied. Stuffed. Full, perhaps even overfull. Abounding. More than complete.
We haven't featured a lot of food-related items on The Dailies, but the ones we've featured have been some of our most memorable. There was the 7,000 foot cake installation and Mezesmanna's embroidery-inspired cookie decoration. Today, we've got another entry, Jakarta baker Iven Kawi's plant-inspired cake decorations:
She doesn't just do flora and fauna, though. Here's another exmaple from her must-follow Instagram:
You can see much, much more of Iven Kwai's work at her Instagram.
ArtFoodCakesToo good to eatImpressive decorationFlowers