The Dailies

Word of the Day

Epicurean (adj./n., eh-pih-KYOOR-ee-un)

To be a lover of physical delights, especially good food and comfort, or a person who embodies these things. It's not quite hedonism, but it's not far removed. The patron saint of this will always be Mr. William James Murray in What About Bob.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsDogsPuppiesChow timeCounter-clockwiseSpeed dating with food?Rotate

Link of the Day

Ultra low light, color night vision camera

This video was shot at night:

You can kind of tell that it's nighttime when the camera pans upward towards the skies, revealing the stars against a daylight-like color. This is part of the magic of the X27 camer—sorry, the X27 Reconnaissance Day/Night high Fidelity true real time low light/low lux color night vision Imaging Security / Multi Purpose camera system. (For those of you who like acronyms, that's the X27 RDNHFTRTLLLLCNVISMPCS.) It's clearly aimed at the military, but the camera doesn't appear to be that big.

There are other videos further down their homepage. Not all of them are interesting, but they're surreal to watch. It's clearly daytime, shot with a 1970s camera, right? Right? Crazy times, these.

TagsCamerasNightFancy gadgetsReversalStars in the daytime?Really, really ridiculously over-long product names