The Dailies

Word of the Day

Cynosure (n., SIGH-no-sure)

Something that is admired and at the center of attention. The belle of the ball. The piece de resistance. The Sistine Chapel. Bob Dylan. The Mandzukic bicycle kick goal. A Rembrandt.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsDogsPugsConfuzzledHead spinsForget this, I'm outta hereWas ist das?Snap, crackle, and arf?

Link of the Day

Tiananmen Square photos

Over the weekend, Hong Kong held a vigil to honor the 28th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests. The crowd was estimated at tens of thousands. The photos of the recent event show the size of the crowd, but none of them are as striking as the famous photo of Tank Man:

Recently, The New York Times published a series of photos by David Chen about the protests. Chen has had the photos for nearly thirty years and never published them until now. Overall, they're powerful. Individually, there's some powerful ones:

You can view the whole collection online.

TagsPhotosChinaTiananmen SquareDemocracyTank ManProtestsTanks a lot?