Word of the Day
Redoubtable (adj., ree-DOW-tuh-bull)
Formidable and worthy of respect, like Mike Tyson in Punch-Out.
Formidable and worthy of respect, like Mike Tyson in Punch-Out.
The design firm Invisible Creature created three gorgeous space tourism posters for NASA. Take a look at these things:
The posters draw nicely from NASA's history and the style of old propaganda posters. Well done, guys. Also, you can purchase prints of the posters to give yourself astronomic dreams.
DesignPostersNASAInvisible CreatureAd astra per asperaClarkson, Hammond, and May?
I added some music to this. pic.twitter.com/UwjhTKpaeu
— Bob Hagh (@BobHagh) June 22, 2017