The Dailies

Word of the Day

Sully (v., SULL-ee)

To stain or damage the purity of something, like spilling coffee on a sheet of white paper or selling your product to

Gif of the Day

More of Frédéric Vayssouze-Faure's gifs are available on his Wavegrower Tumblr account, and you can check out how they work here.

TagsAnimationSkySunBirdsEndlessly looping gifsFeeling good?

Link of the Day

Milky Way over Monument Valley

Full screen is best.

TagsPhotosSpaceMonument ValleyLandscapesWays to feel smallRainbow bridge?

Happy Friday

Man trapped in ATM sends notes to customers begging for help

The AP has the story:

“Apparently he left his cellphone and the swipe card he needed to get out of the room outside in his truck,” Hooper said.

When he realized customers were retrieving cash from the machine, he passed notes to them through the ATM receipt slot. One read, “Please help. I’m stuck in here and I don’t have my phone. Please call my boss ...”

+1 for resourcefulness
-2 for awareness
+10 for future bar stories