The Dailies

Word of the Day

Skullduggery (n., skull-DOUG-ur-eee)

Crafty deception and trickery, as often practiced by hobbitses.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsCatsPet meDon't goHappinessDon't get catty with me?

Link of the Day

Enhanced photos of Jupiter from NASA's Juno probe

Juno Perijove 06_123 Print portrait

PJ06_portrait 006 detail v2

Jupiter PJ06 Portrait 001 v3

PJ06_portrait 006 detail v2

Great Red Spot & Earth to scale

You can see more of these beautiful photos—and some smoothed videos—at Sean Doran's Flickr account.

TagsPhotographyJupiterNASABig red spotsAd astra per asperaNo Train songs?