Word of the Day
Wry (adj., RYE)
Dry and sarcastic or twisted into a state of displeasure, like someone after eating a rye from Duane Reade that you thought was from Schnitzer's.
Dry and sarcastic or twisted into a state of displeasure, like someone after eating a rye from Duane Reade that you thought was from Schnitzer's.
Today, Ed Emberley is 86. The cake will probably be one color and made of geometric shapes.
Emberley taught countless children how to draw by breaking down objects into the simplest geometric shapes and two colors. His "Big [Color] Drawing Book" series is perhaps the best encapsulation of his work, but he churned out a number of great drawing books for elementary-aged kids. Even today, you can find samples of his work online at Ed Emberley's Drawing Pages:
Whether you're trying to learn drawing concepts or want to see some whimsical 70s children's art, Emberley's books are great resources. You can browse his work and buy his books at Amazon.
ArtEd EmberleySingle colorsGeometric shapesModern design?