The Dailies

Word of the Day

Magnate (n., MAG-nate)

A powerful, wealthy, influential person, especially in business. A tycoon, though not necessarily of roller coasters. A baron, though not necessarily a red one. A mogul, though not necessarily a snowy one. A big cheese, though not necessarily Limburger.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsMonkeysMedicsI've fallen and I can't get upYou're doing it wrongThree Stooges?Stop, drop, and roll?

Link of the Day

Chris Dorosz's suspended paint stroke portraits

Chris Dorosz is a painter, but not a traditional one. Dorosz has created portraits made up of suspended paint strokes. Viewed from the side, the portraits look amorphous and cacophonous, but viewed straight on, they take their shape:

Dorosz's mind goes to where ours goes to also. As his artist's statement says, he considers the paint drop to be "a form that takes shape not from a brush or any human-made implement or gesture, but purely from its own viscosity and the air it falls through, as analogous to the building blocks that make up the human body (DNA) or even its mimetic representation (the pixel)."

You can see some of the other portraits over at Colossal.

TagsArtPainting, sortaPortraitsBuilding blocksDripsSuspended animation?