Word of the Day
Invidious (adj., in-VID-ee-us)
Likely to cause anger or resentment, or unfair and offensive. Slander and libel. Twitter, at its worst. One-sided arguments. Laziness. Bad words. Well-intended words at bad times.
Likely to cause anger or resentment, or unfair and offensive. Slander and libel. Twitter, at its worst. One-sided arguments. Laziness. Bad words. Well-intended words at bad times.
Wynyward Station in Sydney, Australia, is a major rail hub for commuters. The station has used wooden escalators since 1932. The legacy of the escalators is great, but the wooden things were 80 years old and a safety hazard in some ways. When the station replaced the escalators as part of a renovation project, local artist Chris Fox was commissioned to repurpose the old escalators. Fox turned the stairs into a massive sculpture called Interloop:
The 244 wooden treads weave together over 150 ft and weigh five tons. As Fox states on his site, "The artwork explores the idea that people are stationary on an escalator whilst also traveling, allowing for a moment of pause that occurs mid-motion. The sculpture resonates with people in this state, referencing all those journeys that have passed and are now interlooping back."
There are more photos over at Fox's personal site, including some cool behind-the-scenes ones.
ArtInterloopSydneyEverything is a remixCells, interlinked?