The Dailies

Word of the Day

Niggling (adj., NIG-gull-ing)

Causing minor but consistent annoyance, or to pettily find fault with someone. A fly buzzing around your face. A fan belt that squeals a little bit when the car starts. A cracked phone screen. A thin pebble in your shoe. A recipe that asked for just too much pepper.

Gif of the Day

TagsComputersAngerBecome wrathReversal!Satire and exaggerationI, for one, welcome our new robot overlordsFile under 'C'?

Link of the Day

Cristian Marianciuc's origami cranes

A week ago, we celebrated our 1,000th entry. A month before that, Cristian Marianciuc celebrated 1,000 days of making an origami crane a day. However, these aren't all the same. Marianciuc has created a wide variety of shapes and colors of cranes, which you cna see on his Instagram:

A post shared by Cristian Marianciuc (@icarus.mid.air) on

A post shared by Cristian Marianciuc (@icarus.mid.air) on

A post shared by Cristian Marianciuc (@icarus.mid.air) on

A post shared by Cristian Marianciuc (@icarus.mid.air) on

You can see all of his origami on his Instagram or buy some of his paper works at his Etsy site.

TagsOrigamiCranes1,000 daysFugue and riffsFolding and coloringConstruction equipment?