The Dailies

Word of the Day

Disingenuous (adj., diss-inn-JENN-you-us)

Not straightforward or insincere, especially if pretending to be unsophisticated. Pullin' all kinds of chicanery and hoodwinking on people.

Gif of the Day

TagsSpaghettiSlurpingBack and forthSpace, the final frontierEndlessly looping gifsBut where's the tramp?

Link of the Day

A 21-story tower of icicles in Chicago

Remember how hilariously cold it was a week ago? During that week, a sprinkler system at the top of a hotel in Chicago, sending water down the fire escape. In the freezing cold, it quickly froze, making a spectacular sight:

TagsIceFire escapesChicagoReally tall thingsNo, take the other stairsCold storage?

Happy Friday

Frozen iguanas wake up after man loads them into car

This Tommy Boy-like scene sounds equally hilarious and terrifying:

And in Central America, iguana is a delicacy. It's something - they're actually farmed for food. So this gentleman just thought, wow, I just have a bunch of protein here. He's on Key Biscayne. He's sort of picking up all these iguanas that appear to be dead on the road that had fallen out of trees. They turned gray and were not moving at all and very cold to the touch.

And he put them into his vehicle. He's loading them up like he was stocking up for a big barbecue. When they went back into the vehicle, the vehicle warmed up, and those iguanas started coming back to life. And all of a sudden, they started getting up and running around in the car, and it caused an accident.

You can read the whole thing at NPR.