The Dailies

Word of the Day

Tepid (adj., TEH-pid)

Lukewarm or halfhearted, I guess. Bath water. Meh. Cynicism. Applause for an opponent. The Justice League movie. All-star game defense. Effort on new year's resolutions in February. "We should definitely hang out." The Toyota Corolla. Porridge.

Gif of the Day

TagsSimpsonsKang and KodosMoral superiorityThere's a state of the union tonightSimpsons did itYou want to throw away your vote?

Link of the Day

E-ink dress

We've got a great (but bittersweet) series lined up for the rest of the week, but first, check out this e-ink dress:

That is mesmerizing. It looks uncomfortably stiff, but goodness, that is fascinating to watch on a loop. And possibly straight up sorcery.

TagsVideoCoutureElectronic inkBlack and whiteZeotropesWe wore the same thing; let me fix that?