Word of the Day
Trite (adj., TRIGHT)
Dull or boring due to overuse. YOLO. "Simpsons did it." The word ladder we've been using this week. The Kardashians. Internet outrage.
Dull or boring due to overuse. YOLO. "Simpsons did it." The word ladder we've been using this week. The Kardashians. Internet outrage.
Guinea PigsCucumberWhite, black, and brownMine mine mine mine mineNom nom nomGonna take my ball and go homeGrocery stores before snowstorms?
Reuben Wu has done a lot of interesting landscape photography, but his most recent project blends modern technology with landscapes for a unique effect. Wu uses drones as light sources for nighttime photography of landscapes. Recently, he's used them (along with long exposures) to create halos on top of mountains:
Wu has a fascinating, beautiful collection of work, which you can check out at his website, and you can also follow him on Instagram.
PhotographyReuben WuDronesHalosLong exposureIf you like it, you should put a ring on it?
Stephen Colbert is at his best when he's being slightly ridiculous. We don't often get that from his show anymore, but this bit with John Oliver is bizarre and fantastically funny. (Note: some bleeped adult language.)