The Dailies

Word of the Day

Putrid (adj., PEW-trihd)

Decomposing and awful-smelling, repulsive, or morally corrupt. Although putrid refers to a thing, it is very linked to smell (and other senses). There are Anchorman jokes to be made here, there are V8 + Iced Tea + orange juice in a class project jokes to be made here, there are nose wrinkling jokes to be made's fertile compost.

Gif of the Day

TagsOttersNom nom nomUncouth table mannersSmile for the cameraThere otter be some rules about this?

Link of the Day

The twenty-five year game of Tag

A few days ago, the trailer for the new movie Tag surfaced online. It's moderately entertaining, but the odd fact about it is that the movie isn't that much crazier than reality. A group of high school friends have been playing a game of tag for more than twenty-five years, across continents, living situations, and more:

Since we had busy lives and lived hundreds of miles apart, we agreed on three rules. First, we would play it only in February each year; second, you were not allowed immediately to tag back the person who had tagged you; and finally, you had to declare to the group that you were “it”.

Now we are grown men, we don’t run like Usain Bolt, so subterfuge and collusion have become our weapons. Eleven months of the year are spent planning. Collaborating with a friend is where the fun is — we can spend hours discussing approaches.

I was tagged spectacularly a few years back when a friend popped round to show me his new car. As I approached it, Sean sprang out of the boot where he’d been hiding and tagged me. He’d flown 800 miles from Seattle to San Francisco just to stop being “it” — to shrug off the “mantle of shame”, as we call it. My wife was so startled she fell and injured her knee, but she wasn’t angry; she was pleased to see Sean.

Beyond the ridiculousness of this, there's something oddly heartwarming about the game fostering these connections, which the trailer picks up on. And aren't we all just playing games to keep ourselves amused?

You can read more about the game either at The Wall Street Journal or (not behind a paywall) at The Guardian.

TagsGamesJournalismTagTwenty-five yearsArt imitating lifeMen 2 Boyz?

Happy Friday

Happy Birthday, Norah Jones