The Dailies

Word of the Day

Fervent (adj., FUR-vent)

Having deep passion and emotion, like a burning fire or a first-row groupie.

Gif of the Day

TagsFaucetMake it stopIn the facePranks for the memoriesDrinking water from the fire hydrant?

Link of the Day

TESS launch close up - John Kraus Photos

Yesterday, the Astronomy Photo of the Day was a closeup of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite:

The photographer, John Kraus, is 18. And he has quite an oeuvre already:

You can find more of Kraus' photography at his website or follow him on Instagram.

TagsPhotographyRocketsUp, up, and awayJohn KrausWhat were you doing at 18?Flames, flames on the side of my face?