The Dailies

Word of the Day

Laggard (n./adj., LAG-guard)

Someone who falls behind or delays, the last one that you have to wait for. (Or, to Ricky Bobby, someone who's any place besides first.)

Gif of the Day

TagsFaceplantSlideDidn't stick the landing2.8 from the Russian judgeA little too much speedBut it looked so good?

Link of the Day

A map of 1931 Chicago Gangland

This is a fun one! Back in the 1930s, someone (the designer is unclear) made a map of Chicago entitled "A Map of Chicago's Gangland from Authentic Sources." The cartoonish map shows the relative locations of Chicago's most notorious gangsters, including Al Capone, as well as places where activities would be carried out.:

The entire map is huge; click either photo to go and zoom in on it.

The map is rare—a lot of copies were destroyed before the 1933 World's Fair as people were concerned abou the image of Chicago—but one copy just went on sale in London for over $25,000. Other copies are at a couple prominent Illinois libraries. It's through one of them that we have a interactive, zoomable map that shows its full creativity.

You can also read more information at The Chicago Tribune.

TagsMapsChicagoGangsNot sure if seriousRejected nursery rhymesWhere's Waldo?