The Dailies

Word of the Day

Hoi Polloi (n., HOY puh-LOY)

The common folk, the masses, the people who wouldn't use such hifalutin' language.

Gif of the Day

TagsDogsBoston TerriersFour sides whiteChill out, manWhat's black and white and red all over?

Link of the Day

Toronto at night, photographed by Bora

Bora's Instagram account largely has photos of Toronto at night. Her photos, though, capture Toronto in a ethereal light, almost looking at the city from behind a pane of glass and marveling at its solitary people and vivid lighting. There's a collection of her photos over at Fubiz; here's a few:

You can see more of this series at Fubiz or follow Bora on Instagram.

TagsPhotographyCitiesTorontoBoraWords that are impossible to kernWhat's black and white and red all over?