The Dailies

Word of the Day

Dingbat (n., DING-bat)

A symbol in text that's not a number or letter, or someone who's not the brightest. (This ≠ you should replace their name with dingbats, just that this is another use of the word.)

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsDogsBertie the PomeranianSmileHwhy so many Hwhiskers?

Link of the Day

Lorne Bridgman photography

Lorne Bridgman has a really solid photography portfolio. He's especially skilled at playing with light—not just as an item in the photo, but also the effects of light and where things are positioned in relation to it. His series from Oslo is exceptional, as is this capture from Gibraltar Point. Go check his work out.

TagsPhotographyLorne BridgmanTorontoLightSwedenRembrandt lighting, eh?