Word of the Day
Subterfuge (n., SUB-turr-fyooje)
Trickery in service of a goal. Yes, subtlety should absolutely be used in subterfuge.
Trickery in service of a goal. Yes, subtlety should absolutely be used in subterfuge.
The Pop Shop in Collingswood is one of the best places to get a milkshake in South Jersey, especially one with retro flair. It is also a restaurant I avoid. It's simply too noisy. A tin ceiling, no sound damping on the walls, and exclusively flat, compressed surfaces everywhere will amplify any sound—especially a gaggle of youths on a Friday evening. If you can't talk loudnly, it's not worth going.
SoundPrint, a new app, attempts to account for that. It shows you a map of nearby places, rated by sound level. The free app is something like a Yelp for quiet spaces. That's useful. It's not going to replace Yelp, but it's useful for the times when you need a quiet spot to chat.
SoundPrint is available as a free app for iOS only. Sorry, Android people.
AppsSoundPrintSilenceCacophonyThe tool that does one thing wellA Quiet Place?