The Dailies

Word of the Day

Subterfuge (n., SUB-turr-fyooje)

Trickery in service of a goal. Yes, subtlety should absolutely be used in subterfuge.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsCatsPaintingHyper realism3D!Art imitating life?

Link of the Day


The Pop Shop in Collingswood is one of the best places to get a milkshake in South Jersey, especially one with retro flair. It is also a restaurant I avoid. It's simply too noisy. A tin ceiling, no sound damping on the walls, and exclusively flat, compressed surfaces everywhere will amplify any sound—especially a gaggle of youths on a Friday evening. If you can't talk loudnly, it's not worth going.

SoundPrint, a new app, attempts to account for that. It shows you a map of nearby places, rated by sound level. The free app is something like a Yelp for quiet spaces. That's useful. It's not going to replace Yelp, but it's useful for the times when you need a quiet spot to chat.

SoundPrint is available as a free app for iOS only. Sorry, Android people.

TagsAppsSoundPrintSilenceCacophonyThe tool that does one thing wellA Quiet Place?