Word of the Day
Detente (n., day-TANT)
An easing of tension between rivals, especially through political or economic policies. It's not like you're buddy-buddy with them, but you're not actively trying to make their life miserable.
An easing of tension between rivals, especially through political or economic policies. It's not like you're buddy-buddy with them, but you're not actively trying to make their life miserable.
I don't think we need to spend much time talking about the Pittsburgh synagogue attacks or the attempted bombings of the previous week. They are evil acts all too well-covered by others. Instead, as the start of a week of music, here are two songs from a similarly troubled time. First, there's Curtis Mayfield's "Don't Worry (If There's Hell Below, We're All Gonna Go)" (note: this song has a couple choice words at the beginning). Second, there's Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On?" Enjoy, say a prayer for Pittsburgh, and don't get pulled into evil.
MusicCurtis MayfieldMarvin GayeSoulUncertain timesPittsburgh