The Dailies

Word of the Day

Conglomerate (n./adj./v., kun-GLOM-er-ett)

A single thing that's comprised of many things that maintain their identity. It's a whole, but not so much of a whole that it's faceless. Can also be used to refer to a thing that fits into this pattern or refer to the act of making multiple things into something like this. Basically, there's a bunch of meanings that all get at the same thing.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsOwlsBonkBlink onceHoo did that?

Link of the Day

Solstice, a kinetic clock that changes throughout the day

This is Solstice, a wooden clock that shifts based on the time of day. It reaches its maximum size at noon before closing back up at 6pm, mimicking how flowers open to the sun to absorb light. You can see more from their Kickstarter video:

To learn more about Solstice, back it, or order one, head over to their page on Kickstarter.

TagsTimeClocksKickstarterAcross the sunSolsticeDial up the sun?