The Dailies

Word of the Day

Cacophony (n., cah-COUGH-uh-knee)

A bad, loud, startling mixture of sounds that don't mix. Think walking into the music room as they're warming up, but all doing their own warmup exercises at the same time at full volume. Or a "debate" TV show.

Gif of the Day

TagsPrarie DogsFlowersNom nom nomQuietly watching youHwhisksers?

Link of the Day

The Manhoff Archives - video and photos of Stalin's Soviet Union

Now this is a cool one! Martin Manhoff was stationed in the US Embassy to the Soviet Union in the early 1950s. Over the next two years, he took a variety of video and photos as he traveled the congolomerate. His wife Jan, a frequent companion, documented their experiences in words, writing down what she saw. The archives were discovered and eventually put online by Radio Free Europe in a great way:

Go check out the archives at Radio Free Europe. It's a fascinating project, both from the subject material and the subjects themselves.

TagsVideoRadio Free EuropeU.S.S.R.A glimpse behind the curtainTravelin' ShoesManhoff Steamroller?