The Dailies

Word of the Day

Wonk (n., WONK)

Someone who studies things a lot, probably too much. Like a nerd, but for a specific topic.

Gif of the Day

TagsAnimalsDogsTotes adorbsIt's so fluffy!Be honest, your heart just meltedSuperpowers activated?

Link of the Day

Giant squirrels and cows

A two-for-one today. First, there's Knickers the cow:

Knickers is 6'4" and weighs 2,800 lbs. He is a "guide" steer, used to help keep a cattle population calm and help train the younger cows. But goodness, is he huge. The Washington Post, along with the rest of the internet, has a decent article on him.

Then there's North Carolina's fox squirrels, which can be up to 2 feet tall:

There are more details about the chihuahua-sized critters in The Charlotte Observer. Remember, kids, eat your Wheaties; don't give them to the animals.

TagsAnimalsSo Humangus BigWildlifeKnickersSquirrel!My, what large backs you have?

Happy Friday

Very bad Lakers fan fails at math

This is not quite as bad as the Portland tic-tac-toe debacle, but this is pretty terrible for basketball timeout entertainment contestants.