The Dailies

Word of the Day

Etiology (n., EEE-tee-AHL-oh-gee)

The study of causes or to find the reason for something. "Follow the money" is a good one.

Gif of the Day

TagsDiveFail1.2 from the French judgeThey knewHigh jumpSwan Lake?

Link of the Day

A ten ton spiral staircase made of copper

This staircase from the Copehnagen Experimentarium is just absolutely stunning:

Designed by the Danish architecture studio CEBRA, this DNA-like structure is over 300 feet long and has 20,000 pounds of copper and 320,000 pounds of steel.

You can see many more photos of this either at Arch Daily or at Colossal.

TagsSculptureStaircasesCopperScrap metalDenmarkDid they experiment with rust?